Feather of Courage 


... provide scholarships to students who have exemplary leadership traits..

The story

The full story can be read here, below are excerpts of the story.

... begins in World War II with a squadron leader in the Royal Canadian Air Force requesting volunteers for a mission that he deemed a “suicide” mission. The objective was to provide troops on the front lines with ammunition as they were surrounded at the end of an airfield by enemy forces. The radio call had come in from the field stating that unless ammunition was delivered in short order; the men would no longer have the capability to defend themselves.  My grandfather, along with others, stepped forward without hesitation. As the flight lifted off from the Burmese air base, one could only imagine the thoughts that those brave men embraced as they sat quietly listening to the drone of the plane’s engines. I never asked him what those thoughts were… I think perhaps the nature of one’s thoughts in those moments are reserved for those few who have served and lived through them.

It was a Monday morning in March 2017 and I had just arrived at the office when I received a short text… “If you would like to see Kyle, you need to come”.  Eleven words changed my life.

There was a short pause as I read Stormi’s text that Monday morning…..  As I struggled to comprehend the life-changing significance of those few words; my eyes drifted to a shelf above my desk.  On the shelf, proudly stood three feathers standing together. I gently selected a feather…. And started driving. 

I arrived at Kyle’s home that afternoon and we held a long embrace as his hand pulled my head down to his.  As I sat with him, I placed the feather in his hand and told him the story of which I have written. “I have known men of courage and they have had a profound impact on my life. You are now one of these men. This gift is from one warrior to another.” I said to him.  The feather did not leave his hand until he slept that evening.

 I only have two feathers standing proudly together on my shelf today…. The other is exactly where it was meant to be.

 Shared by Joey Johnson

June 22, 2019

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